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This product is Patent Pending.
                 Please see PDF   
The HOME BUTTON GUARD is available for licensing and cannot be manufactured or sold without permission from Mr. Daniel E Hays
I am looking for a company to manufacture, market and sell this product at a negotiable down payment price and percentage of total sales. I will also require the chosen company to pay for updating my patent pending with a full Utility patent.
The price of tooling up for production would be very inexpensive and by using a CNC machine to reproduce, this product can cost less than one cent each to make. There are over one billion Samsung smartphones in existence today. I have not seen a model yet that did not have the raised home button issue causing them to wake up in your pocket or purse by this button accidently being pressed. Even if only one fourth of Samsung Smartphone owners bought just one "HOME BUTTON GUARD" for$1.99, That would still mean over one half of a BILLION dollars in sales.
If this product were marketed correctly, including an add on FaceBook where over a billion people can see, some right after they pulled their Samsung Smartphone out of their pocket or purse and found it awake, the orders would be pouring in faster than they could be manufactured.
There is A LOT OF MONEY to be made here.
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